Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tae Boy that hurts...

I got dragged off to a Tae Bo class by a friend this week. Man, it's a lot tougher than it looks on youtube... My very first day in class, I worked hard and tried to keep up with the instructor. I sweated more than I have sweated this entire summer (how unladylike of me!) and about 15min into class I felt like I was going to throw up. Apparently this is a sign that I am doing it right. A bit puzzling, since throwing up is usually not desirable... oh well!

The next day, my back and legs are so tired. Not sore, just exhausted. I felt like they were saying 'go on without us!'. Even sitting at my desk was a mission and a half. The day after that was archery. One of my arrows rebounded off the butt and I had to bend to pick it up - owww! Man, my thighs were killing me! And that night it was back to the torturer, I mean Tae Bo class.

But, wonder above wonders, class number 2 was a little bit easier. I didn't feel like throwing up and even though I still sweated like a slave (thanks to a friend of ours for this gem), I could do a lot of the class without taking a break or passing out. Amazing! I actually felt invigorated afterwards. I left class feeling like I had accomplished something.

Sure I can't do all the moves yet, but I do try my best. There is a second instructor that comes around to help you with moves that are too advanced. I can say one thing for sure - this is not like some internet get-fit-quick scam. When you are in that class, you know without a doubt that ever muscle in your body is getting the fat kicked out of them! It is hard work, but I always suspected that there are no easy routes to a healthy, slim body. You've got to just suck it up and submit to the torture! Which turned out to be kind of fun reallly :).

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions per se, but here's to a size 36 bod by December 2012. Man now I hope the world doesn't really end on the 21st...

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