Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Bucket List

So not to long ago I watched a movie called 'the bucket list'. In essence, things to do/see before you kick the bucket. Very poetic :P. But the idea had merit - a lot, actually. It made me think of all the things I want to do and see before I shuffle off this mortal coil. It is inspiring and depressing all at the same time. Inspiring - because my dreams are big. Depressing because I am no closer to doing any of these things than I was 10 years ago. But maybe if I have them down somewhere, I will actually work towards getting to the items on my list. So here goes, this is my bucket list in no particular order:

  1. Fly in a hot air balloon (champagne breakfast optional :P)
  2. See the aurora borealis first-hand
  3. Ride on a dog-sled (possible in conjunction with point 2)
  4. Play in snow
  5. Visit Disney World in America
  6. Visit Greece
  7. Visit Scotland
  8. Visit the Grand Canyon
  9. Visit an exotic island and watch sunset on the beach
  10. Hold my own baby in my arms
  11. Ride a camel
  12. Stand on a large sand dune (namibia or egypt)
  13. Write a successful book
  14. Own a new car, out of the box (a nice one, not a kia or hundai :P)
  15. Swim with dolphins

That's it for now. Maybe I'll ad some more items later. Plenty to work towards already ;)


  1. Oh man, you're responsible for adding two items to my bucket list (archery and tae bo) :D

    I want to visit Prague. Not sure why, it's just one of those things. Maybe because the word is so nice to say. Prague.

  2. Haha, Prague. It IS nice to say :P

    I'm glad I got two items on your list. You are partly responsible for point 12 lol
