Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Love Again

What an amazing feeling... to fall in love again. It's amazing when you find Someone to love, and the more you learn about Him the more you fall in love. You find yourself thinking about Him all the time. Even when you are busy, you'll suddenly realise your thoughts have drifted towards Him again. But it's OK and you know it's safe. You can sink deeper into this feeling and let yourself go. Because there are no negative consequences and no regrets.

Falling into His arms, I feel safe. The more I learn, the more I realise how faithful He is. Amazing how He can love me; amazing the priviledge I have to love Him back. His words are true - He never goes back on His word. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He has no fickle moods. So I know the things I learn will be just as true today as they were 20 years ago. He is constant. A rock to rely on, air to breathe, water to enfold.

I am getting addicted to this dance and the great thing is that there is no shame in it. The only infatuation on earth that makes you more and better the longer you are addicted. No one can lure me away, no one can take me from His arms. He is mine and I am His.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just thinking

Feeling pensive today. Have been feeling this way for weeks now. Or should I say I've been musing for weeks? Thinking about life, about choices we make, about where we are now. Started thinking about all the things I would change if I could go back in time and make different choices. But that's a road best not traveled on.

Some days I feel like I get stuck in the dream. I fantasize about another time, another life and other possibilities. Then I open my eyes and long for that reality. How can you miss a place you've never been to? Hmm. I suppose I have been there... in my dreams.

Perhaps this is my own special little form of escapism. Perhaps not the most productive habit of all, but most days I can't bring myself to care about that. I feel like I have something inside me, a large-ness, a potential, and this is the only way to let it out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For the things I miss

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you

So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Bucket List

So not to long ago I watched a movie called 'the bucket list'. In essence, things to do/see before you kick the bucket. Very poetic :P. But the idea had merit - a lot, actually. It made me think of all the things I want to do and see before I shuffle off this mortal coil. It is inspiring and depressing all at the same time. Inspiring - because my dreams are big. Depressing because I am no closer to doing any of these things than I was 10 years ago. But maybe if I have them down somewhere, I will actually work towards getting to the items on my list. So here goes, this is my bucket list in no particular order:

  1. Fly in a hot air balloon (champagne breakfast optional :P)
  2. See the aurora borealis first-hand
  3. Ride on a dog-sled (possible in conjunction with point 2)
  4. Play in snow
  5. Visit Disney World in America
  6. Visit Greece
  7. Visit Scotland
  8. Visit the Grand Canyon
  9. Visit an exotic island and watch sunset on the beach
  10. Hold my own baby in my arms
  11. Ride a camel
  12. Stand on a large sand dune (namibia or egypt)
  13. Write a successful book
  14. Own a new car, out of the box (a nice one, not a kia or hundai :P)
  15. Swim with dolphins

That's it for now. Maybe I'll ad some more items later. Plenty to work towards already ;)